School apprenticeships are usually seen as abilities or tasks that students
must master as a requirement for academic success. From the classroom, one of
the works of Professor is to help the student to acquire these leanings and
trying to making sense, ensuring a logical sequence of planned acquisition of
knowledge depending on curricula and academic programs (Anderson, 1997). From
Piaget’s point of view, this knowledge is developed in spiral form, in such a
way that the student will support in that they already know to continue with
the next item on learning, while the social perspective, explains that learning
makes sense when it merges with the culture and you look at learning as a tool
to understand others (Cruz Pérez, Galeana of O, 2006).
Aside from the cognitive tradition, this paper discusses learning from the
point of view neurocognitive, which proposes that learning is first, a process
necessary for the survival of the species, and on which it depends to continue
in the struggle for the life of the human being, which is why learning is analyzed
as small steps which are concatenated by way of links that allow the child to
acquire skills from birth and which are the basis for learning in formal
schooling and that is continues to develop until death, but which should be
considered in teaching as a formal aspect.
Understanding the mechanisms
from whom is learning
Although it sounds quite logical, the child learns not only at school or
books, and there are things they already know when children go to school by
very first time. Some of them are evolutionary legacies that allow to adapt better to the environment, for
example the language, as that from the early days of born this process begins
to develop, first by way of crying to provide food and company, and later as a
means of expression (Benítez-Burraco, 2007).
However, when a baby is already equipped with different mechanisms to help
you survive in the conditions that the outside of the womb imposed since then
begins its process of learning, although based on genetic aspects, because it
must be clear key situations as how much and how much high the baby should
mourn to catch the attention and get food?, who is the right person to ask for
food?. Who has been close to newborn infants, have noticed this and other
mechanisms to begin to develop in order to create environmental responses from
the neonate (Pinker, 1995; Olarreta, 2005).
One aspect to consider is that when the human looks at the light outside
the womb, the brain does not know is what will need to adapt to the
environment, so the baby's life depends on two key aspects: on the one hand
genetic load, which is equipped with, by way of reflections and the care that
will protect it; and the ability to adapt to the enviroment.
Example of reflexes is well known in a very primitive way, vision adapted
to conditions luminous environment, the hearing incorporates more
systematically to sound the atmosphere of mode recognition such that this baby
every day is a sum of events to develop at the brain level, to be combined with
the environment which provides stable and rich experiences so that at the end of
the first year of life, it may be better and stronger motor movements to stand,
eventually walk; vocal sounds first to make sounds, which by the end of the
first year will be translated in their first words, and with the passage of
time will be the principle of short phrases, seeking to satisfy needs and are
gradually will spend no more than 40 words, often unconnected to 200 words
capable of forming ideas, feelings and making people laugh all those who
surround him with their occurrences. Who has not enjoyed a child with their
verbal games?. That is only the expression of a brain in explosion.
All these small breakthroughs in the lives of babies are due to brain
development. There is no learning without a brain, and similarly, there is no
brain without learning. The human brain is born only with more tools than necessary;
this is because it doesn’t know that humans will need throughout their life. So
born primarily with skills granted genetically, it will be modeling environmental
it that allows you to determine which are more appropriate to maintain
sequences and make possible adaptation to the environment (Tubino, 2004).
And this is the process that will result in learning, because it will allow,
after thorough practice, first determine that actions are useful for achieving
food or shelter in a hostile world determined by adults, and then develop
movement skills to expand areas of operation. This is why babies develop from spending time
lying at one place, then begin to
balance on their body, they incorporate
later, try to sit down, sometimes
they crawling or walking, running and one day they reach the moon
(Cruz Pérez, Galeana of O, 2006).
To do so, they require multiple repetitions of movement or actions of
learning, which creates connections between structural units in the brain that,
are as the basis for the organization of the sensations, emotions, learning,
memory, thought and language. That is why every experience is a structure of
the chain of events that culminate in the development of learning (Sagan, 1981;
Lieberman, 2002).
However, despite the need to create chains of learning, brain will not be
able to maintain all the connections with it born , or it creates, because
similar the memory of a computer, the space it occupies is finite, confined in
the skull and is not able to expand beyond. So the brain folds on itself,
looking for savings to maximize its resources, and thus give better answers to
environmental needs it face (Marin Padilla, 2001; Lieberman, 2002). For this
reason, the brain will keep only those connections that are strong, that they
become necessary in response to the interaction with the environment and other
people (Damasio, 1994; Anderson, 1997; Dick and Roth, 2008).
But what are these neural networks?, they are groups of neurons (clusters)
already linked by a specific function,
by structural proximity or as part of a chain of processes. Considering that a
human brain has 100 billion nerve cells (there is a discussion of how it came
to this number), it is necessary to give order and found that neuronal networks
give order but makes this complex system one of the most dynamic and functional
(Búldu, 2011).
For example, it would be easy to understand those networks from children in
an environment that promotes that language is a useful tool as a means of
communication, those children will be better able to develop a broad and with
time vocabulary, so reading and writing will be a logical step to the
transmission of ideas . While children that are developed in a more demanding
environment for the movement, as athletes, will generate more motor
connections, because they work out them more extensively and probably put aside
the words. What explanations should be given from a child to get his first goal
before of the rest of his teammates?.
But this view is not black and white, children will develop brain
connections which will be manifested in learning skills, whether in the areas
of language or thought or in motor activities depending on which so much
stimulation will provide the environment to his around, at the same time in
which both these activities look like need. In this category fall activities
although they are genetically programmed as language and arithmetic, not
carried by that environment does not generate them (Defior Citoler, 2000;) Ruiz
Vargas, 2000).
Examples of this are children that although they know to speak and know the
words to ask for their milk, parents do not require them it to use your
vocabulary and it is only enough children to bring their cups so mom or who
cares for the child translated the action: Yes, my dear, you want your hot milk
with chocolate and sugar in your red cup!, this actions are leaving the child
without the possibility of exploring and developing their own words that if
they were corrected, it would eventually expand and would be presented in a
logical order.
It also applies that genetic burden is very important in the first months
of life, but little by little the atmosphere becomes the main engine of the
neural connections, which allows modeling more characteristics of the human
being. Still, the influences of the environment depend on different factors, as
those who are mentioned below.
Two elements that support learning: motivation and
Even if learning is genetically programmed, exist for learning certain
principles. On one hand, there must be a brain with elements that allow the
neural interconnection, and is known to be in the first years the brain a
sponge suitable for acquiring skills to adapt to the needs of the environment
(Dick, and Roth, 2008; VIllaroel
Villamor, 2009).
Secondly, there must be the need to learn, because otherwise, the brain
will not strive for creating connections and it will lose those who are not fit
to stay or not used. This principle of the struggle of the strongest and the
fittest will become apparent during whole brain development (Marin Padilla,
2001). If a phone number is not used, why would you recall?. The brain uses a
principle called cognitive economy which keeps only the important processes
running (Artigas-Pallarés, 2009).
That is why there are two processes that become essential to learning, memory,
which allows the system to create memories that it is something useful from
stimulation of the medium, for example, you can read these lines is a task that
has carried out many times, first as a game, then systematizing the task until
you get to the point of not only reading, but the reading comprehension.
This is possible thanks to the loyal friend of memory: motivation (Benarós,
Lipina, Segretin, Hermida, and Colombo, 2010). And is that when babies are
born, their motivations are simple: eat, sleep, feel the embrace of mom or
caregiver. Little by little these basic, maybe selfish motivations change by
the need to make happy to others, this develops the social function, and when
that person smiles broadly and asks to
smile babies, this responds, and is that you among most happy is the person
more time devote you and your needs will be covered. Gradually this
relationship will become more and more close to the point they will begin to
share. If mom wants to respond in this way, the baby will do it. This will
allow he baby to take the necessary step to ask for things, like milk, or seek
shelter when he or she feels cold and
develop their social needs (Conde-Guzón, Bartolomé-Albistegui Quirós-Expósito,
This will lead to babies to the next item to learn what they want, when
they want, and then follows the stage well known to the parents and educators
in which the child learns with repeat, asking and making movements over and
over again and again and one more, to the point that they are able to repeat
each of the dialogue of a film which you are already tired. Have do you read something like that?.
And children prior to formal education, to learn what they like, allowing
them to adapt to the rules of the home, from stimulation from the environment,
repetition of activities and exploration, so create a memory that allows them
to argue that neuronal connection and make it strong so that it is possible to
construct other learnings over time will become formal.
Changing rules
School, will change all rules, children began an apprenticeship that is not
so based on stimulation of the environment or the exploration, nor on the
enjoyment of learning. It’s not quite a
necessity. Until then, the child showed abilities that were appreciated by
parents or caregivers, unless they were subjected to an evaluation. If the
child stood and gave the first steps, the social circle he or she was applauded
and it encouraged to repeat and repeat this first big step. If she or he did
not, not passing a disappointment to their fan club and the same goes for the
language skills. In a way, children decide when to display its powers or not
and if this doesn't happen, they always have permission to do so later
(Leonard, 2002; Haesler, 2007).
But when is of through evaluation, and this evaluation focuses on
parameters of what children do and what determines a program must achieve,
learning is no longer fun or motivating and the speed of the programmed
contents avoids the repetition of tasks. This process chains are lost to the
point such that the learner because you can't find anything that gives you the
basis of all learning: motivation and memory.
In addition, the basis of all school learning is basically the language,
this is necessary for reading, writing and mathematics learning, of which only
the numbers are genetically programmed as part of the Repertoire of skills put
to the survival of the species (Butterworth, 1999; Alonso and Fuentes, 2001).
Both are the response of adaptive processes that are necessary for the cultural
improvement. Not reading and writing, arising on dates very recent in the
history of mankind, practically with the improvement of the printing and that
they have not been part of the development of the child within the family until
that school becomes a formal institution socially (Pinker, 1995; Olarreta,
2005; Artigas - Pallarés, 2009).
While it is logical to think the language is needed to read and write only,
we tend to forget that these leanings are not generated in the same way, nor
have generated so many neural connections from trial and error or the support
from parents, and is taken for granted that once joined the school they must be
generated that thus it is stipulated and the child must learn it
(Solovieva, 2008).
But this duty of learning is not based on natural principles
genetically programmed and is not as slow and fun as when the first word, first
step, or the first time that the child raised her finger to publicize their
age. Formal teaching creates times so fast and vertiginous in which children
are unable to understand the why of what you are teaching the person in
front and no matter how much effort put, it will be evaluated with a number,
and not with a: that’s good!, do it again!, look how beautiful!. Instead, a number
or a letter will determine if you know to do so or not and obviously will
condition the following learning, creating a dizzying race to the following
content, the next lesson, the following discussion, the following year.
So for example, if students does not know or recognizes the image or the sound of letters, there is not possibility to read; or
if they can't combine the sounds of
words, will not read phrases, and if you add the fact that does not understand
the meaning of the words, then we have a child that will not reach to read
beyond a few words, you'll feel discouraged by that fails to understand that it
is what they expect of this student and
finally as possible, he or she will assume that is a mediocre student, and eventually he or she will
leave all studies, only because that was not time to learn.
But, if you look carefully at this student, is he
or she really mediocre?, if you understand the way in which the brain creates
connections that seek you learning, the answer is no. They would only require
two conditions: the first stimulation of the environment will ensure the
repetition of important phrases and secondly, the motivation to read, not as an
obligation but as need, from short but relevant phrases that they become an
understandable line for the student. Add to this a way that learning to use and
make it a cultural or an adaptive need, changes are huge in the attitude of
that student.
The same happens with the writing, since it was not released on genes and
is generally taught as a phase of the curriculum, but not like a need of the
child (Vygostky, 1995). If we can talk to ask for something, or to fill a need,
what case does have writing?. And more even if writing depends on what the
reader interprets signs used in a natural way in the language, as inflections
expressed in questions or admirations (Slavic and Slavonic Cobos, 2008).
In this sense, writing should also become a need and be linked to a process
modeling the atmosphere, from the repetition of the task, even more so if it is
considered that in the case of writing, you must develop the ability to
coordinate the eye and the hand with the muscles of the hand and arm to outline
each of the letters then find the necessary letters for each word and that
words are able to draw ideas (Coltheart, 1981; Etchepareborda, 2002; Dehaene,
Cohen, Sigman and Vinckier, 2005).
Understanding learning
In conclusion, this perspective explains the learning process first as
willing human needs for the survival of the species, what would mankind
be without knowledge?, from simple events like explain to others when a food is
no longer edible, or transmit the findings of neuroscience.
Learning at schools requires
stimulation from the environment, able to create a need for employees in
multiple tasks that generate regular neural connections which eventually become
strong and thereby enable the development of increasingly complex skills,
creating chains of steps, known as learning processes, because each new skill
is presented by others that can be traced to the birth.
The motivation that encourages the practice is also important
repeated, which already is analyzed the benefits, but also allow learners find
a reason to continue learning and to regulate their conduct determined by the
accolades it receives from others, within the class environments, it increases
the likelihood that a behavior be repeated if this turns out to be pleasant or
useful anyway and who don't like you prove that it is able to do something that
others can not do?. However this principle also suggests that there is only a way to
learn, because the human brain as opposed to a computer to learn only what
program you, is capable of seeking multiple responses to a single problem, in
order to achieve satisfaction. This, however, runs counter to traditional
school, which sees learning as a reflection of a single answer, invariable e
equal for everybody, leaving aside the student while in correct way,
unresponsive as expected.
Learning when is practiced and it’s based on motivation, open the door to the
process of memory. This will create automating chains of response and
thus save steps for the achievement of goals. All learning at the beginning
should be modeled i.e., others should be showing and explaining how to do it -
except those which are based on reflexes or vegetative needs as breathing,
swallowing, or blinking- and little by
little they automate to do without thinking. The first time you saw letters,
someone said that these signs were sounds, eventually, you were able to make
sense to the signs, and with the passing of the years now is able to read and
understand, thanks to a reduction in the steps used to give when it began the
process of reading, which is now practically automatic.
If there were not enough memory, allows you to store information, provided
this meaningful and more implemented once and preferably in more than one
So surely you already do not remember the name of the author of this
article unless you know prior her work. If not, the name is not relevant. That
being the case, learn there is more to load books repeat, that as we all know,
but the neurocognitive perspective, learning is a brain process, shared
socially, because the brain stimulation of the environment and the social approval
is needed to decide if he has given the necessary answers and is also why not,
Alma Dzib Goodin
If you would like to know more about my writing you can visit my web site:
If you would like to know more about my writing you can visit my web site:
Alonso, D.
y Fuentes, L. (2001) Mecanismos cerebrales del pensamiento matemático. Rev Neurol. 33 (6): 568-576.
Marin Padilla, M. (2001) Evolución de la estructura de la neocorteza del mamífero: nueva teoría citoarquitectónica. Rev Neurol. 33 (9): 843-853
Sagan, C. (1981) El cerebro de Broca: referencias sobre el apasionante mundo de la ciencia. Grijalbo. España.
This is great! I love your posts. It would be easier to read if the text were smaller.... But I will be sending this to 2 people. Very nice!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your comment!, I try to write shorter but then I think I need more context since public can have or not some knowledge about the topic, my last post was really long!. Sometimes I think about cut them and post them individually, but I'm afraid it can lose the idea... But thank you!!! I hope you can find interesting this blog:)