I began to research about learning several years ago, thinking that I might
explain from the neurocognitive point of view the mechanism of learning.
I am not going to deny it, finding a model universally applicable ran through
my mind, at least during the first months of exploration, finally this is the
goal that I learned at college, create universal models validated and
standardized; but eventually, the research has led me for other directions, and
I’m at a point that has allowed me to re develop my concept of learning.
I have talked about this at multiple
forums, and this blog was specially created to analyze different aspects of
learning. When processes are separated, it seems easy to explain how they
relate to learning, but as explained Sebastian Seung (2010) and McGilchrist
(2011), the complexity of the brain is such that it works as an whole integrated and
adapts to the circumstances of the day by day.
Some months ago, in two different spaces, my idea about learning staggers
drastically. First of all, I had always thought that learning allowed
adaptation to the environment. When a person learns the cultural needs, that
person adapts to his or her own proceed and becomes part of that environment.
This idea was an essential part of my proposal about the learning and it came observing babies, they under different
environments, manage to coordinate abilities that allow them to function and
find the way to learning more complex things beyond those genetically
programmed. The brains of infants sometimes have even go against itself,
pushing neural networks that have been inactive either by a syndrome or some
perinatal factor that has affected them.
In some cases, it’s possible to note delays in development that fits with a
little help, while sometimes the environment is unfavorable and disorders don’t
let grow more than few skills.
Of course, there are many theorists who supported my idea of the adaptation
to the environment as a reflection of learning, and personally looked for examples
that would enable me to explain the process.
The example that I like the most came from junior students at any
educational level. The first days they are trying to discover all the features
of the new site and need some weeks more to adapt their language to the
cultural background that have decided to undertake and they take even more time
to feel part of the environment.
But in other circumstances it’s also possible to see the adaptation, in
patients who suffer from some sort of accident or illness which forces them to re
learn how to manage their own body, facing the adversity. The adaptation to the
environment seemed the logical response to the learning and understanding of
the environment.
Prions and its capacity of adaptation to the
A prion is a pathogenic protein which has altered its structure,
although it has been shown they have an active role in normal neural
development, because it occurs in oxireduction and the signal transduction,
cell adhesion, processes as well as the regulation and distribution of
acetylcholine receptors (Zou, Zheng, Gray, Gambetti and Chen, 2004).
However, as pathogen protein is capable of caused diseases that occur both
in humans and animals, and create a family of rare disorders and
neurodegenerative diseases that are distinguished by long incubation periods,
but once the symptoms are progressive and fatal.
Diseases caused by prions include disease Creutzfeldt-Jakob and its
variant, Gerstmann-Straussker - fatal familial insomnia, fatal syndrome, family
spongiform encephalopathy and Kuru (Zou, an Capellari, Parchi, Sy, Gambetti,
Chen and 2003).
While at animals are associated with mad cow disease, lumbar itching and
feline spongiform encephalopathy.
A prion is basically a glycoprotein of 27-30 kD has the same primary
structure as a normal protein, but presents a structural not genetic
modification due to a post-production process.
Due to a wrong fold what should be a Prpc which has a propeller and 4
regions of globular, protein structure becomes a PrpSc has a structure sheet
which is a flat protein, that allows you to create irreversible neurological
damage in whom is carried, due to its ability to adapt to survive in the environment
(Li, Browning, Mahal, Oelschlegel and Weissmann, 2010; Castellani,
Colucci, Xie, Zou, Li, Parchi Capellari, Pastore, Rahbar, Chen and Gambetti,
It is thus that the adaptation to the environment is not a mechanism
created from a flexible brain that learns, but an evolutionary inheritance
created so the species can develop and survived.
At a conference someone asked me if he should delete the adaptation to the
environment of the equation of the learning process, but I think that if well
learning not creates the process, if you benefit from the same.
Because students who come from different contexts are capable of creating
various skills and learning benefits can be based on socialization and at the
same time, those differences help to explain individual differences as
variables to consider in any investigation on learning.
There is another aspect which explains the ability of adaptation, and it’s
the fact we are not talking only about a brain adapting on an individual basis,
but at the species level. I find very interesting all debates that claim that
technology modifies the brain of children with a constant flow of information, saying that this
prevents children from responding to everything that happens in the
environment. But the cerebral flexibility plays an important role in responding
to those influences. So there is no danger of diseases of fashion such as
attention-deficit or autism syndrome disorders.
On the other hand, adaptive capacity allows recognizing that children with
developmental disorders will seek their own development and goals, adults
around only need to understand those children won’t develop skills at the same
rate as any other brain.
Different environments, genetic dice, different
learning rules
My argument that every brain is different, although it complies with the
same structures and functions is not new. Caffeine that someone has consumed
today will affect differently than the chocolate that someone else had at breakfast.
The brain works with infinite strategies, predicts, makes decisions, draws,
dreams, creates the future and seeks to understand the past.
In addition to differences, as I explained earlier, it is flexible. In the
field of Metacognition for some years researchers talked about flexible thought
and educators began to work on skills attempting to develop it from the
educational perspective. But there are authors like Ionescu (2011) who explains
that cognitive flexibility is a cognitive system property and not a skill. It
makes sense if the goal is to adapt at a specie level.
The best example I can think of is something that is going to sound very
badly, but if someone has travelled in a highway, then there will be noticed
butterflies, mammals, and insects that literally crash against the windshield
and leave their ideas on it. A few days ago I asked my husband why there was a
not mechanism that allow animals and insects to avoid crossing the road, since
many animals die every day and they have not a small chance against a car that
moves at high speed. My husband and I thought that learning and adaptation had
no reason and it was just a personal issue to keep my brain busy.
We started playing with ideas which made us laugh, one was that the best: those
creatures that in another life were killed that way, smashed against a car, had
learned to not cross the road, and which not, therefore not avoided it. The
conclusion was that more intelligent people already had previous experiences,
while the less gifted begin to look at the world.
We did laugh so much with the idea. Intelligence has always been part of
the equation, but do intelligent people really avoid dangerous situations?.
Psychologists have spent lot of time measuring intelligence and subdividing
it, and telling people what they can do and what not, they focus more on what
people cannot do. But there are always examples of people who play against any
forecast and show how much capable they are to do extraordinary things, when
the environment is conducive (Dzib Goodin, 2011).
The intelligence
It’s a concept sought in the brain so badly that researchers have made sure
that it´s in different areas depending on the ability to seek. It has been seen
in brains of persons who have extraordinary abilities, but if the question is if
a baby can develop this or that intelligence, the answer is: that will depends
on the environment in which this baby will grow. A newborn baby can be an
extraordinary dancer if someday has the opportunity to try.
There are people that find a special talent and start to develop it from
very young, and their brains specialize so much. In the brain everything not
dealing with it is discarded, this is explained by Weber (2012), the brain as
well as other natural forms adheres to the idea of energy conservation
(Costandi, 2012).
For that reason, along with the intelligence, motivation is developed to create
those abilities, which erroneously we believe everyone should have at the same
level and all the same, but brain refuses to be exactly than another, like
clones, each must develop their talent. Those who are more fortunate will find
it from very young, and it will take to the perfection point. Others never will
find it. Fortunately the range of possibilities is wide, and there will be always
some area to achieve a highlight. We also know that only some functions have
critical periods.
The role of motivation of course goes hand in hand with the memory. Deep in
the hippocampus, it seems that the mechanism is part of many higher functions,
which still cannot be clarified at all, because it embodies citoarchitecture
aspects, cellular bases and the way in which those networks neural encode
memories and the way in which recovering it (Mennes, Kelly, Colcombe, Castellanos and Milham, 2012).
Along with the intelligence and motivation it’s important to considerate the role of reasoning ability and
decision-making and how is necessary to direct actions and learning in order to
maximize the rewards, when there is no success in something, it reformulates
the action and the plan of action, from what is in the store of long or
medium-term memory analyze the possibilities and the probability of success,
however explain Collins and Koechlin (2012) the human executive function has a
monitoring capacity limited to three or four strategies of behaviors. This
limitation is offset by the binary structure of executive control in ambiguous
and unknown situations promotes the exploration and creation of new strategies
of behaviors. The results support a model of human frontal function that
integrates skills of reasoning, learning and creative in the service of the
behavior of decision-making in order to achieve the adaptation.
Elements of learning
There are some other elements that interact in learning as senso
perception, because without entry of environmental stimuli the cognitive system
offsets are greater. Such is the case of deaf blind people, who are able to
learn but under specific sensory contexts.
The role of memory is undeniable as well to store, retrieve information,
and interact with other superior processes, such as language or thought.
Motivation is an aspect that cannot be overlooked, because it promotes
skills or blocking activities under the socially constructed idea that there
are good people for some activities and others who should not try them.
Like other authors, it is clear that they must not be side adaptive
processes and the role of evolution (Nolfi and Parisi, 1996), cerebral
flexibility, the role of culture and mind.
This latter element still not know well how to put in the puzzle, I am
not referring to the idea of mind boxed in the brain, as all neuroscientist I
thought that he was there, but I'm still building the idea of something much
more flexible, with own energy, that certainly keeps the hand when it comes to
teaching with ideas such as: keep in mind,
or he made a mental map with a concept more related with the memory more than an energy capable to
expand. The child mind is much more than a receptacle of ideas that adults are
trying to impose, and brilliant minds are more than a collection of
extraordinary capabilities. At times, the mental interface fails to make
contact and it takes a while to be able to communicate through language. So the
mind is a theme which I will later work, but that is part of the equation,
without doubt.
The element that has caused more noise in the cultural sphere is of course,
the topic of education. While learning is an evolutionary quality given way per
se to the species, education is a human invention, institutionalized, which
believed to have the power to make everyone think, do and say the same, that it
has forgotten its central object of the everyday work, which is the
student and has focused on the contents, assuming all student should
know that. I’m using the word Know, and not understand. Sometimes I
think I must say: what every student must remember or have in mind. Not
necessarily to analyze and make it significant.
I am saying as clear as I can: YES, I think that education should include
the brain, because ultimately it is who shapes with its pounding of ideas that
serve only to respond an exorbitant amount of validated and standardized tests.
The difference between an A and an F is a slap on the back of a student
with A or the confirmation of little intelligence and the judgment that will
never Excel in life for a student with a F. There is no bigger lie. Several studies
show that brighter students are not necessarily successful adults and no doubt
we can laugh when examples of great minds have emerged from people who do not
conclude the school either, or they never felt comfortable in the school
environment. They broke the mold, they were themselves (Dzib Goodin, 2012).
In the space of the black list of colors I have been exploring the various
elements to be considered in learning to educational level, if anyone is
interested in that aspect.
I hope one day I can conclude my proposal of learning, and hopefully you
continue visiting this space.
Alma Dzib Goodin
If you would like to know more about my writing you can visit my web site:
If you would like to know more about my writing you can visit my web site:
Castellani, RJ., Colucci, M., Xie, Z., Zou, W., Li, C., Parchi, P.,
Capellari, S., Pastore, M., Rahbar, MH., Chen, SG., Gambetti, P. (2004)
Sensitivity of 14-3-3 Protein Test Varies in Subtypes of Sporadic
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease. Neurology. 63(3) 436-42.
Collins, A., Koechlin, E. (2012) Reasoning, learning, and creativity:
Frontal lobe function and human decision –making. Plos Biology. 10(3): e1001293.
Costandi, M. (2012) Probing the workings of the human cells. The
Dana Foundation.Available at: http://dana.org/news/features/detail.aspx?id=36390
Dzib Goodin, A. (2011) The search for talent: The holy grail. Available
at: http://talkingaboutneurocognitionandlearning.blogspot.com/2011/12/search-for-talent-holy-grail.html
Dzib Goodin, A. (2012) Black list of colors. Available at: http://education50.com/blog/black-list-of-colors
Dzib Goodin, A. (2012) Creativity, when a+b is equal to innovation. Available
at: http://talkingaboutneurocognitionandlearning.blogspot.com/2012/02/creativity-when-b-is-equal-to.html
Ionescu, T. (2011) Exploring the nature of cognitive flexibility. New Ideas in Psychology. 30 (2) 190-200.
Kong, Q., Goldfarb, L., Gabizon, R., Montagna, P., Lugaresi, E.,
Piccardo, P., Petersen, RB., Parchi, P., Chen, SG., Capellari, S., Ghetti, B.
(2004) Inherited Prion Diseases. In Prion Biology and Diseases. Cold
Springs Harbor Laboratory Press.
Li, J., Browning, S., Mahal, SP., Oelschlegel, AM., Weissmannm, C.
(2010) Darwinian evolution of prions in cell culture. Science. 327 (5967) 869-872.
McGilchrist, I. (2011) The divided brain. RSA Animated. Available at:
Mennes, M., Kelly, C., Colcombe, S., Castellanos, FX., y Milham, MP.
(2012) The extrinsic and intrinsic functional architectures of the human brain
are not equivalent. Cerebral Cortex.
Available at: http://cercor.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2012/01/31/cercor.bhs010.full.pdf+html
Nolfi, S., y Parisi, D. (1996) Learning to adapt to changing enviroments
in evolving neural networks. Adaptative Behavior. 5 (1) 75-88.
Seung, S. (2010) Sebastian Seung: I am connectome. TED Talks. Available
at : http://www.ted.com/talks/sebastian_seung.html
Weber, M. (2012) Microglia eliminate unnecessary synapses during brain
development. Available at:
Zou, W., Capellari, S., Parchi, P., Sy, MS., Gambetti, P., Chen, SG.
(2003) Identification of Novel Proteinase K-resistant C-terminal Fragments of
PrP in Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 278(42)
Zou, W., Zheng, J., Gray, DM., Gambetti, P., Chen, SG. (2004) Antibody
to DNA Detects Scrapie but not Normal Prion Protein. Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 101(5) 1380-1385.
It was so interesting to follow all the logic with easy language and all the examples. It seems your blog in Education 5-0 is letting you to explain every element. How do you apply this in a classroom?
ReplyDeleteHi Carla!
ReplyDeleteThanks for take a minute and read me:) The application I do is having on mind every person learn through different ways and being creative. Solving problems and decision making is a very important part of the puzzle, because students can use metacognitive strategies to understand their own process. I do believe in competences model, as I wrote on my previous post. But you need a flexible education. If you search sucessful examples, you find thousands in specializated magazines all over the world. I don't think I'm discovering the treasure, but if we can understand all the elements, maybe we could teach better. It's what I think:)
I want to leave a brief note to thank you for the conference. I'm gladly surprise with your explanation and level of knowledge about learning. This post is only a tiny example. I hope to meet you again soon.