is in our brain, when I say everything I mean EVERYTHING! From our dreams, our talent,
our future, our ideas, our perception of love and pain, and the way we learn. The
Brain is the only one item shared by any human being on this planet, no matter the
color of our skin, socio-economic condition, culture or age.
way we walk, understand the world, write, how we learn, our perception of life
is regulated by infinite processes based on electric and chemical impulses,
effect of proteins, hormones and genes.
some researches are focus on cure and prevent brain diseases like Parkinson,
Alzheimer or understanding the neurodevelopment process, some others are
searching how to build a brain, for example the Human Brain Project and the
Blue Brain Project leaded by Henry Markham, professor of Neuroscience, whose
laboratory is located in the Swiss Federal Institute of Lausanne, who will
spend one billion Euros trying to unlock the secrets of consciousness, by using
data to trace electronic signals between the neurons (Honigsbaum, 2013).
of the many goals is using all this knowledge about the brain into schools,
creating programs based on brain to help children with or without disabilities
to learn better, faster and more effectively. Many authors believe that is
possible to “teach” our brain to respond in a particular way, and of course,
science fiction has ignited this idea and we can learn everything with a click
and finish with the huge differences between gift and mental retarded children.
good or bad, things are not so easy. Our brain learns in an unknown way. Why
can some children understand numbers or science?, why are some children wonderful
singers?, what is the difference among talent and passion for learning?
questions began to bother me some years ago, when I saw children with
disabilities. Brain scans showed a perfect brain, but these kids were not
capable to speak or follow simple orders. If they have a perfect brain, was there
another factor?, where was the problem?
neuroscientist, I began studying brains; I was capable to explain specific structures
related with a particular process (Dzib Goodin, 2013a), if a teacher asks me
why a child cannot read, I can explain the process that the brain needs to focus
on something so complex, but I could not explain why a specific child does not
some frustrations, my position changed, the brain was the receptor of the
stimuli in the environment, all information comes from outside our brain, so what
are we putting in it?. The question was not how do we learn? But how did learning
process arrived to our brains? (Dzib Goodin, 2013b).
question takes us to a long and challenged road called evolution. Our brains
are the current version of natural prototypes. More time we spend on this
planet, new needs must be solved; for example to read these lines, you need eyes
and ears.
process is a combination of a sound (identification of sounds of alphabet) and
pictures (every letter has a different shape, let’s think that most of alphabets
have capital and lowercase letters).
system is a combination of mechanic and neural impulses; our current prototype
has needed to design a perfect relationship between tiny bones and hair cells capable
to send information to a nerve and then the brain. We have learned to
distinguish between sounds in the environment, music, and language, but not
only that, we are efficient to determinate the place of the object of emission,
intensity and decide if it's a dangerous/friendly sound. Why? because as specie
during long time humans tried to survive
from predators.
![]() |
Image from: Chitka, L., Brockman, A (2005) Perception Space - The final Frontier. Plos Biology. Available at: http://www.plosbiology.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pbio.0030137 |
think for a second, hearing sounds is not enough to survive in the middle of
the night with all kind of hunger creatures, we needed eyes. Let’s keep on mind
that during many years we were not humans, we were in the ocean, with not
enough light to see, so that eye began needing only systems to see in the dark,
and we still need them, or we couldn’t see during the night, those cells are
called rods.
those primitive eyes had to adapt to light, so those eyes needed new cells, we
began to see light, that eye began to see colors, and we needed so much that currently
we can see colors between 400 to 650 nanometers and that amazing difference
needed maybe few hundred thousands
years (Nilsson and Pelger, 1994). Inhuman specie’s case, when the fire was
discovered, we had to adapt to a wider range of colors, we add yellow and red
to our palette, and this means we were capable to distinguish green fruits to
mature fruits.
two systems, hearing and sight, learned to work together, so when we hear a
noise our eyes search that noise…but that’s not all!, we needed a neck to
support that movement. Movement is another amazing complex process, because
species had to move to survive, some mammals like chipmunks or rabbits have to
move fast to avoid to be someone’s dinner, but humans had to move to find a
better place to live, find food and care babies. Let's add to all those skills the need of moving our eyes to focus on an objects.
more step was necessary to be able to read, maybe I should say another BIG
step: after creating a language, based on sounds, we had to learn to recognize
those sounds, just like a baby does it, and after that, humans create
alphabets, this means we could see
those sounds. That coordination between learning the sounds and see them, is
not natural to our brain, because this is a new skill to our specie, and even
though it has existed since thousands of years, not all persons had access to
reading and writing, this has been a recent addition to our neo cortex. This is
the reason many persons, even in college have problems with spelling. Who
doesn’t have a spelling mistake now and then? This is because we must
coordinate two systems, we write as we hear, but words not always can be
written following the sound.
course learning process is amazingly complex. I am sure Henry Markham will
spend more than a decade trying to build a brain, if we think that nature has
needed thousands of years, maybe millions, 10 years is a very optimistic agenda,
specially with a system than never stop adapting to new environments. 45 years
ago only few had access to computers, and we continue adding features, every 2
or 3 years another update surprises us. Nature has much more updates, now we
can walk on a crowdie street, avoiding cars and other persons and check Facebook
at the same time. Some of us won’t create a coordinated system fast enough, and
others continue trying.
we teach to our brains? I don’t think
so, I wouldn’t spend time or money in that direction, we must enrich our
environments to create new skills, because at the end, our brain was designed
to answer to the environment and adapt, creating new and more sophisticated
strategies, like the simple act of
Brain Project EPFL. Available at: http://bluebrain.epfl.ch/
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